We here at MeatEx believe that Canada is the future. We want you to see the potential that we see as well.

The main areas where we see Canada standing out are:
  • Government support for COVID recovery of the meat industry (particularly beef and pork)
  • Diversity of the population and multicultural society
  • Meat consumption rates in Canada and the region of the Americas
  • Continuing demand for meat, despite price inflation
  • Access and the high trade level between Canada and the USA
  • Trends and Forecasts for 2021 and beyond
Click the button for our mini-report which focus mainly on beef.

Cultivated Meat (lab grown meat)

We are pleased to add a new section to our product group. You might be wondering what could be so new in the world of meat? Humans have traditionally been eating the same, delicious variety of meat, poultry, fish and seafood for a very long time, with some differences from region to region.  But technological innovation has been moving very rapidly in recent years.  So, as the platform where tradition meets innovation, we are pleased, and a little excited to add cultivated meat to our product group.

For those who aren’t sure, cultivated meat in a nutshell is meat cells grown in a lab that are exactly the same as meat, but not from an animal.  It’s new, it’s unfamiliar, and in some countries, it is already on the market!  This could also be an opportunity to boost consumption by giving more options to customers to buy the products that appeal to them.

Product Group

MeatEx Networking

During the last few weeks, we've been getting a lot of questions from our stakeholders about MeatEx Networking. We all know that it is a major challenge, perhaps even impossible, to do an exhibition for the food industry virtually.  You can't taste the samples online, you can't smell the aromas in the air online, and you can't inspect machinery and equipment online.

MeatEx Networking is a channel for our participants to start engaging with one another in the lead up to MeatEx Canada 2022.  You can't completely substitute an in-person exhibition for the food industry for an online experience (but that technology is probably coming soon!)

So, we want to let you know that we're sending out a survey next week about MeatEx Networking so we can get your feedback, and provide you, our participants, with something that is as responsive to your needs as possible.

For more information on how to participate as an exhibitor or visitor, click on the tutorials below. 

Exhibitor Tutorial
Visitor Tutorial